Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Response to previous post!!!!

I know with my last post I had a lot of you worried about me because of how I was feeling about my abuse and everything else. I know I said I felt like my abuse didn't matter. Even though I still feel that way at times I know that my abuse matters. I had the opportunity to talk to RAINN online hotline and they were able to help me realize that my abuse does matter and that what I went through was never my fault. I guess the reason why I feel this way is because I was never able to talk about it til now. Most of you know why I couldn't talk about it before. For those who do not know, my mother doesn't know about my abuse from my stepfather who she is still married too. He also molested my older sister but when my sister told her about it, she didn't believe her so that was one of the reasons why I didn't tell my mother. My mother is in denial about it and til this day she still doesn't want to believe my sister. I was also molested by an uncle. I told my mother about him. At the time he was living with us and after I told her she kicked him out. I took it as she believed me. But after she told the family about it, somehow either they changed her mind or something, she didn't believe me about my uncle which made another reason why I didn't tell my mother about my stepfather molesting me and almost raping me. I say its almost rape because of what he did to me. I am not going to repeat what he did to me because I already wrote it several times so if you want to know just read through the rest of my blog. (Sorry if that sounds harsh) Its just talking about the details is still hard for me. I am doing ok with it. I can talk about it but it still hurts and affects me a bit. I am praying and hoping I can finally heal from what I went through. I am doing alot better than how I was doing a year ago. I have been healing but not fully there. I say half way there........

The point that I am trying to get to is that I have come to realize that MY ABUSE does matter. I know what I went through is something hard and is still trauma. No one should have to go through what I went through or what others go through as well. We suffered in different ways and I cant keep comparing what I went through with what others have gone through. Yes some people have gone through worse than me but I still suffered some trauma.


  1. Am very happy to read this, you are strong and brave :-)

    1. Awww thank. It was because of you talking to me that day and others as well. I appreciate all your help and your friendship. I cherish it alot. I may not know you in person but you still are an amazing friend and have a great personality.

    2. & I feel the same way, I am so grateful to have been able to connect with you, it doesn't matter that we have never met :-) X

    3. Thank you. :) You're really sweet and I appreciate your support on everything. I never had it from my mother and i thank you for helping me. Im glad we connected on twitter and facebook.

  2. I too had a very challenging difficult childhood. I'm much older now and I realize my parents were human beings. Many of their actions were simply reactions to living with and trying to cope with mental illness, poverty,etc. No one would thrive in this or man other kinds of adversity that kids today live with.Its important to me to see that many of their reactions came from a place of lack of control.We often see situations in a skewered way,not as they are but how we want or need them to be.I am very mindful of the relationships in my life and how they impact me. If they are difficult I let them go,and its painful. But I see no reason to live with pain and embrace it every day. We all grow as human beings and learning to forgive ourselves and others is a tremendous challenge and a gift. So is having the maturity to see your that past does not define you as a person unless you allow it.Know and grow.I like reading your posts a lot, and really appreciate the many positive messages you convey to your followers....

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I know I will grow stronger than I was. I know I am already stronger now because I was given my voice back and was able to share my story with everyone on here and on twitter. Even though I only spoke out online, at least I can still receive healing just because I broke my silence. I dont know if I'll ever be able to receive justice but I do know that I am safe, I am free and my abusers can no longer keep me bounded. Thank you for reading my posts and commenting. I appreciate it a lot.
