Friday, November 15, 2013

Im back!!!!!!

Hey guys. I know its been months since I have not posted anything new on my blog. I just been busy with  my school and other things. Well to start off I am doing very very well. My healing process is going great too. I have not had many triggers lately. It has been good. Well lets see, new things about me is that I recently started dating someone. He is an incredible man and he knows everything that I have been through and he supports me through my process. He is also a good Christian man and I love that about him since I am also a Christian. He wants to help me through my process. He wants to be there for me when I go through my moments of having flashbacks and triggers. Like most people he wants to hurt the person(s) that did those things to me. He is incredible and he is the love of my life.

The reason why I share this is because as a survivor, sometimes we feel like we will never be able to regain our lives back. But we can. Yes we go through that moment where we don't want to trust anyone with our lives or even get close to men because we don't want to get hurt or anything again so we put up a wall and not let anyone in. But once you go through the process you CAN REGAIN YOUR LIFE BACK!!!! I did. Everyone has gone through their own abuse and its different with everyone. But you can and will get through it. Trust me. If I can do it so can you. SO I leave this as a little encouragement to those who feel like they can never be happy again. YES YOU CAN!!!! Don't let those who hurt you keep control. You are stronger than you realize. Keep pushing forward. You can get through this. Use your voice. Spread awareness. Be strong. Don't give up. I am here for you all. You can and will get through this journey. You are not alone. I am here. We are here for each other.